Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of Class

I couldn't sleep very well yesterday .... woke up like about 7am .... thank goodness it rained heavily yesterday .... or else the heat would have killed me before the lessons do .

Today is a super depressing day .... I have never been so emo throughout my life .

I tried to act smart in the morning and ended up getting lost in the campus !!!! .... got map also can get lost ... Geography A for what ??!!! .... but I still managed to find my way back for first class CBC111 (aka - fundamental chemistry) .... I read the notes yesterday and seemed like I have learnt most of them in A Levels .... I thought I was so smart when the lecturer was teaching until 5 minutes later when he asked ' Who can tell me why nitrogen exists as N2 but phosphorus exists as P4 sedangkan they all are in the same group ?' ....

I was speechless .... I never thought of that ... More than 100 nerdy brains ( except mine ) in the class and no one could answer ..... reminds me of the first day in Haslina's class .... he explained and suddenly I have so much respect for me already .... haha . The class was ok ....

Lunch was depressing . I haven't known anyone from my class and therefore ended up eating alone , but I tried to cheer myself up by treating myself a good meal - chicken chop + butter rice for only $3.50 .... about RM8.75 like that .... quite worth it right ?

After lunch was CBC113 (aka - organic chemistry ) ... the sound of it is already dreadful .... today I learned about isomerism and cycloalkane compounds .... I have no idea at all !!! Seriously , I have never felt stupider ... some more when I looked around everyone was like nodding their heads and writing notes sedangkan I just sat there like a moron .... sad ....

Next was PAP181 (aka - fundamental physics ) ..... it was a relief . They are teaching kinematics ( slightly harder than M1 , those who took FM sure can sleep .... ) ... one small good news . The board allows me to be exempted from this subject ( and CBC111 - Fundamental Chemistry ) because of my A Level .... I can still get the Academic Units (AU) for these subjects and no exam for me .... that leaves me with only 3 subjects ..... so I went to the office and register an elective - Forensic Science .... don't know whether can get or not . I also decided to not drop CBC111 because I have so much respect for the lecturer ... lol .

When I came back , my roommate , Jonas ( pronounced as Yonnas ) wasn't around . He didn't have any class today , probably had gone out . Bored .... I saw a bottle of vodka on his table and was like .....'isn't this banned within the hostel?' ... I was so depressed I felt like drinking the whole bottle but considering I have no money to pay him back I dropped the idea ....

My dinner was Instant Mee ....$0.40 ... I am on a super-saving mood .... no la ... actually quite lazy to walk to the canteen already . Then I did my laundry , I am posting this while waiting the washing machine to do its work ....

I'll probably be in front of the computer till 12am again . Need to catch up . Thank goodness weekend is coming . I need a miracle to catch up ..... Without the computer and keyboard ..... real musical keyboard which sounds nothing like piano , I don't how I am going to survive .... W** H** , you faster enrol la .... I sien la what already .

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